Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1. Firetop
2. IrishRed
3. ItsNotGinger
4. StrawberryShortcake
5. Rita
6. Nutcracker
7. Harvard
8. Jessica
Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1. IdontBleach
2. Glucose
3. Toast
4. Lion
5. Popcorn
6. SummerTime
7. AuburnHaze
Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1. Sweeden
2. Powder
3. Marilyn
4. BlondeFun
5. Sookie
6. StrawberryBlonde
Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1. WalnutWhip
2. Praline
3. JustDone
4. Syrup
5. SoySauce
6. Overcooked
7. Bournville
8. Burnt
Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1. CoalMine
2. IronHotcake
3. AlmostGoth
4. BlackCoal
5. Pitch
Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1. Opal
2. Arctic
3. Metal
4. BlueRinse
5. OAP
6. DuskTillDawn
What I'm Wearing:
- Hair: [LeLutka]-SALOME hair - FATPACK (from HairFair 2012)
- Eyes: Amacci Eyes ~ Hair Fair 2 (Free from HairFair 2012)
- Eye shadow: [K] ~ Chameleon ( Nefrit ) (KOOQLA GIFT for Hope for Emilia)
- Hairbases: Amacci Hairbase Tattoos (free @ HairFair 2012)
- Pose: oOo Studio