Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hair Fair 2012: LeLutka #1

I have so many awesome hairs to blog, that I've had a hard time knowing where to start!  So I've just started combining some different items I have to blog from a few different events and then just blog the hair used in each post as well.  LeLutka has plenty of new hairs released at the Hair Fair this year, but I'm starting with "SALOME".  It is a lot of fun to style and wear.  It comes in 40 different colors!  So I've sorted them by color family below.  Enjoy!!

Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1.  Firetop
2.  IrishRed
3.  ItsNotGinger
4.  StrawberryShortcake
5.  Rita
6.  Nutcracker
7.  Harvard
8.  Jessica

Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1.  IdontBleach
2.  Glucose
3.  Toast
4.  Lion
5.  Popcorn
6.  SummerTime
7.  AuburnHaze

Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1.  Sweeden
2.  Powder
3.  Marilyn
4.  BlondeFun
5.  Sookie
6.  StrawberryBlonde

Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1.  WalnutWhip
2.  Praline
3.  JustDone
4.  Syrup
5.  SoySauce
6.  Overcooked
7.  Bournville
8.  Burnt

Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1.  CoalMine
2.  IronHotcake
3.  AlmostGoth
4.  BlackCoal
5.  Pitch

Colors from Left to Right & Top to Bottom
1.  Opal
2.  Arctic
3.  Metal
4.  BlueRinse
5.  OAP
6.  DuskTillDawn

What I'm Wearing:

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